Is That Normal?

Unusual Noises, Odors, Performance Issues

When your air conditioner (AC) is banging or clanking, most likely a part is loose, out of balance or broken. These types of parts issues can quickly lead to bigger problems. 

Rattling noises could be something as simple as debris that needs to be cleared, to something loose or worse yet, a deteriorating unit.

Squealing, if it is high pitched, could mean that internal pressure is building in your compressor and could reach dangerous levels. If this is the case, you should immediately shut off your unit and call a professional for assistance. It could also just be a faulty belt, but keep in mind that once a belt breaks, your unit quits.

Buzzing from your cooling system could be a potentially dangerous electric issue. If it is coming from outside, it could be anything from debris, to fan blades, loose parts or a failing motor.

Strange smells can also mean big problems when it comes to your AC system. For instance, a chemical odor could mean a refrigerant leak. Whereas a moldy smell could be a sign of mold build-up, which could require treatment. Musty smells can be an indication of water accumulation in drip lines, ducts or drain pans or moist evaporator coils which, left unaddressed, could lead to poor air quality and subsequent health issues as well as required system repairs.

A burning smell could be caused by a clogged air filter or excess dust build-up on your heating elements. Electric odors could be overheating of malfunctioning components, including wires or your motor and could lead to a fire. Yikes! Also, believe it or not, melting plastic components in your heat pump can cause an unpleasant fish smell of which you should also be very wary.

Of course, if anything like this happens, you experience other performance issues such as freezing coils or when your system fails to cool your house properly, the experienced and trusted professionals at Anderson Performance Heating and Air can help.